"I am not a feminist like you"
“I am not a feminist like you!”, my roommate told me with unmistakable contempt. It took me by surprise, both the statement and the contempt. We had been having an argument about the roles available for women in the Indian film industry. The statement halted my thought process and I suddenly realized that we were arguing from totally different bases. My roommate seized the opportunity and made a dramatic statement on the lines of “Quit complaining! I am happy with the way things are and I don’t see what the heck you people are harping about!”. I didn’t respond. My mind was racing. For so long, I have assumed that the need for feminism is a given, that it’s the more logical, rational, not to mention “moral” stance. (Don’t ask me why I put the word moral in quotes, that would take an entire blog to explain! For now, assume that it means that I don’t associate it with self righteousness, which is what happens most often). Since this incident, I have been thinking about this assumption and especially this strange reaction that certain people have towards feminism.
Lets rewind a bit, and let me give you some background. I don’t know how it happened and I don’t remember when or where, but I have always been contemptuous of traditional gender stereotyping and gender roles. Perhaps, it helped that my parents did not try to convince me otherwise. They probably didn’t take me too seriously, but they didn’t discourage me either. I remember that even back in school, I’d find myself denigrating the system, asking people why they believed in stereotypes and generally being a pain in all the wrong places! It irritated me how the rules were always different for women than for men. The constant feeling of helplessness made me want to scream sometimes. “Don’t wear those kind of clothes”, “Don’t go to those parts of the city”, “Don’t go out so late” “Don’t let your skin tan so much” “Don’t cut your hair too short” “Marry only the boy we pick for you!”… The list of Dos and Donts were quite long and they always ended with “Because you are a girl”. To cut a long story short, I was frustrated that I couldn’t have the kind of life I wanted, not because of how I was living it, not because my parents made mistakes in bringing me up, not because I made mistakes along the way, but solely because of one measly X chromosome, something in which I had absolutely no choice!
As I grew older, the nagging feelings became more concrete, I found reasons for the way I felt and most importantly, I found people who had similar views. I learnt a lot about different cultures and different visions for the future. I argued my head off with anyone who cared to argue back! Most people would agree that what I was saying made sense, but that they didn’t think anything could be changed. Some of them agreed that it was all very “noble” and all, but wasn’t really practical. Some conceded that life is indeed harder for women than it is for men where comparable, but believed that men are just “hard wired” that way and women simply have to put up with it. Sometimes I would be on the verge of losing my temper, but I could understand where they were coming from. It’s very difficult for such fundamental changes to happen, because we are all struggling against an inertia that has been building up for so long. I admit that I am not doing as much as I can to change things either. There are so many brilliant, capable and passionate women working for the betterment of women. I admire them and I support them whole heartedly, but I am much too timid and ineffectual to have the kind of impact that they do. Maybe one day, I will get off the chair and actually do something concrete! I know I want to. But until then, I am happy if I am able to make at least one person see things from my point of view. If I am able to convince one person to give up the stereotypes and redefine herself/himself, then I would feel like I have made a difference. So, I persist. I argue, I reason and I loudly talk about my opinions whenever I get a chance.
Until my roommate’s statement made me stop and think. I had heard many women complain of this exact same thing. This undisguised contempt for feminism and feminists. I found it surprising especially coming from women. Most women at some point of time or the other have been taught the hard way what it means to be a woman in a patriarchy. That makes it easy for them to relate to feminism. It’s true that we have come a long way. Women have so many choices now that we didn’t have even 10 years back. Most women I know have comfortable lives. But we still have a very long way to go. There are so many parts of this world, where women are still struggling for their basic rights, their bodily integrity and just recognition and acknowledgement as human beings. As for my roommate who believes that “Oh these things will happen in time. What’s all the fuss about?”, I’d just say this. Changes don’t happen in vacuum and they don’t happen because someone somewhere waved a magic wand. They happen because of people who are strong enough to defy the system and ask the hard questions and demand their dues. She and I and all the women whose lives have improved, are merely reaping the benefits of the blood and tears of the brave women who came before us. The system isn’t going to change when people sit back and say “these things will happen in time”. To change people’s mindsets and prejudices, we need to spread awareness. More questions need to asked, assumptions need to be questioned and excuses cannot not be tolerated anymore. We cannot afford to relax, not until the revolution is complete.
As for those of you who claim that you aren’t feminists, I ask you this. Do you believe that women are just as human as men? Do you believe that they have a right to their own body and deserve a space in this world just as much as any other human being? Do you believe that they deserve to be treated with just as much consideration as men? Do you believe that discrimination against anyone based on their gender is wrong? Do you believe that women deserve to have the same choices available to men? Do you believe that there is no “inferior” gender? Well, then YOU ARE A FEMINIST. And this goes for men too! Don’t be afraid to take on the label. It just means that you are a good human being. More importantly, it means that you aren’t afraid to think for yourself instead of just believing what you were told. You and I may have different opinions on different issues, but this is our basis. This is what we start building on. And the next time someone tells you “I am not a feminist like you”, prove them wrong! (Alternatively, you could point them to this blog, I’d sure like the publicity!)
PS: For those of you who actually believe that women are inferior beings and don’t deserve the quality of life that men enjoy, you are morons. Go away from here and don’t come back.
I think being a feminist has also been stereotyped by society as the kind of woman who wouldn't flinch at having extra marital affairs, wears high heels, and cuts her hair short. The society equates radical feminists to homosexuals, feminists to prostitutes and women to slaves. Logical thinking and argument doesn't work with them. They need to be clobbered out of their ideas.
You are partly right Ami. Like I said before, this blog isn't aimed at the kind of morons you are talking about. I am appealing to that segment of the population who make revolutions happen, the educated middle class. I sincerely believe that there are a lot of people out there who hold prejudices without realizing them. They hang on to stereotypes because no one ever questioned them. Maybe they'll still hold on to them even after listening to rational arguments, but at least they'll think about it. And well, maybe, just maybe, one person in ten will get convinced. Even that makes a difference, for ideas cascade along and when we reach the critical number, the revolution is happening!
It can be depressing at times. I know I get bugged with people's attitudes, but we have to hope for the best and keep striving, right?
By the way, its funny how so many feminists I have met, while being heterosexual and staunch monogamists themselves, are entirely open and non judgmental about women who choose to explore other options. And all feminists would laugh at the assumption that they wear high heels! I know I find it hilarious!
Rather attempted answering than comment!
Stone age Men were forced to break mountains, cut trees,hunt animals, cut trees to Survive.
It needed lots of physical strength. Men (HE) took the ownership of a hunter and a protector as driven by his hormonal and physical instincts.
The very nature of women is that they have strong mind, high patience, gentle and soft physique . The main reason being they have the divinely responsibility of giving birth and nurture a baby. Women (SHE) took the ownership of nurturing the baby and saving food. An Urge mostly driven by Oestrogen.
And SHE was also protected by HIM from predators and other groups.
It all started with the company of the two to fight against the Law of Nature "Survival of the fittest (LAW)"
Don't forget the point that they realised this after so many years of living, so their genes were already tuned to be barbaric to have intercourse and kill humans whenever their hormones command.The traces are still seen often all around the world.
Predators became enemies and groups became societies. Men fought against all those enemies in a small scale and large scale and created wars and religion (a group following a same trust and culture). All this against to fight against the LAW by actually following it. I added religion here.I'm not explaining why. This needs a long discussion. So skipping it. These two form the other problems of this society called "Living in Peace". I'm not discussing this here but rather concentrate on our topic of discussion.
Women improved her capability to frame a culture to live and shown everyone what a "Father", "Mother", " Brother", "Sister" means to the world of next generation. This is a radical shift as it started distinguishing us from Animals. I would term it as a best effort so far to fight against the LAW. People simply stopped being cannibals and barbarians and started restricting the LAW to certain sects by giving a logical shape to the enemy.
And Gradually the objective now became simple.
"Fight against the LAW in an organized,civilized and logical way".
They found a reason to discuss their skills in a public forum and termed it as "Education". Mostly they concentrated on combating the LAW as they knew the culture and civilization will be taught to them by the family (essentially the Women). It is mostly the family which tells how a boy and a girl should behave themselves. Girl needs to carry on with the same thoughts (rather culture and habits they followed). But yes, agreed! Lots of spurs added to the essential ones from each generation.
Modern Men started developing education, technologies, infrastructure , agriculture (a graduated form from hunting and killing) and found that with technology and education we can overcome the Factor "Physical strength" and started inviting Women to perform the role as well. Women started taking the roles smartly and are proving to be successful wherever they were invited and encouraged.
On the human front,every now and then there were revolutionists who faught against the spurs (discussed before) and removed the very stupid one. But still the job is not complete and we continue to do that in the form of literature, reservation and to exercise basic rights! Good thing is that now the revolutionists are adding more Women to their list who can be aptly termed as "Feminists". If a Man fights for it, he is a "Feminist" too! Unfortunately we have more Womenisers and less Feminists due to our barbaric genes from the past.
A thought came out slowly "If we can defy the LAW, then we can take more liberty in terms of roles of Men and Women followed from ages in the society"
And now Human race, finally through globalisation and repeated discussions and revolutions, found that LAW can be defied through Education, self help and technology.
Unfortunately, Education and technology is yet to reach all corners of the world and especially in developing countries. wherever we find Education/tech reached, we find Women participating at all levels. This is mostly seen in Urban societies in India. And this caters us a good measure to validate it.
SO what do we do now?
Spread Education? Yes. We are already doing that.
There are many NGOs and our Government's SarvaShiksha scheme taken up this activity. It is suffering from many implementation difficulties at present and stops us from milking 100% out of it. Yes, We need to straighten them for sure.
SO when do we complete this?
We need to wait! It is been ages since we were able to realise this. But Good news is that, we are changing faster than we can expect!
Let us all Fight and defy the LAW completely and make a society of Equals with a strong tool called "Education"
Just a point about the "hunter-gatherer" theory you talked about in the beginning of your comment. I'd suggest that you do a little research before spouting that theory. It is a widely believed theory but not necessarily true. It is ONE of the many possibilities. If you ever get a chance, read up a little on cultural anthropology. You'd be surprised how little we actually depend on or act on our "biological" instincts. It is not our "barbaric nature" or "biological nature" we are trying to change with the feminist revolution, it is merely years of cultural and social conditioning.
I didn't quite get most of your comment, probably because our frames of reference are different, but I understand that you aren't one of the morons I was referring to! :-) So, thanks for the support I guess!
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